Macro photograph of water drops on grass
Close-up of the completed jigsaw puzzle
Close-up of the completed jigsaw puzzle
Frost on the grass early in the morning
A metal giraffe statue at Zoo Knoxville
South African penguins at Zoo Knoxville
First image taken with my new Galaxy S7
Some ducks in a pond in Timberlake Park
Hunter checking his phone during a walk
Cool reflection of the trees in a creek
A nice looking house I saw while biking
A cute fox decoration in someone's yard
Damaged trees a month after the tornado
Male downy woodpecker at my suet feeder
Close-up of a bare twig covered in webs
Cody with a 1919 Winchester Model 1890
Cody with a 1919 Winchester Model 1890
Overlooking Emerald Bay and Lake Tahoe
Banded mongoose at the Potter Park Zoo
Banded mongoose at the Potter Park Zoo
Banded mongoose at the Potter Park Zoo
Banded mongoose at the Potter Park Zoo
Looking down Hemlock Rd. towards Brant
Close-up of a cage outside in the rain
A grain silo distribution tower thingy
Some cool industrial buildings in Ohio
The creek at South Chagrin Reservation
A nuthatch with some seeds in its beak
Kendall eating her first birthday cake
Kendall eating her first birthday cake
Kendall eating her first birthday cake
Helping Cody move out of his apartment
An adorable lemur peeking over a stump
A white-breasted nuthatch at my feeder
Close-up of the rope of a pumice stone
Close-up of the rope of a pumice stone
Bald eagle at Wildside Rehabilitation
Bald eagle at Wildside Rehabilitation
Bald eagle at Wildside Rehabilitation
Our old fishing spot near Silver Lake
Pine sapling growing out of a boulder
Sunrise somewhere near Salt Lake City
Branches of a tree after freezing fog
A squirrel near the Tridge in Midland
A squirrel near the Tridge in Midland
Masala the red panda at Zoo Knoxville
Southern white rhino at Zoo Knoxville
A toad blending into the forest floor
Some pretty houses I saw while biking
Some abandoned structure in the woods

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