During a Star Wars themed baseball game at Cooley Law School Stadium
Bald eagle at the Potter Park Zoo
Meerkat at the Potter Park Zoo
A painted turtle
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
My bike on the rail trail in St. Charles
Rail trail in St. Charles
A nice little waterfall/pond installation near the rail trail in St. Charles
Little waterfall/pond installation by the rail trail in St. Charles
Geese by a creek
Plants pushing up through an asphalt driveway
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
Moss on a stump in Ringwood Forest
Pine needles on a woodchip path in Ringwood Forest
A field
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A squirrel in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
A snake in Coal Miners' Park in St. Charles
An old neglected dock in a pond
Cody fiddling with an old SLR
Cody fiddling with an old SLR
Snowstorm on the edge of the woods
A (deer?) skull I found while biking
A ruined old house in the woods
A ruined old house in the woods
A ruined old house in the woods
Really foggy areas during a bike ride when the temperature got up to about 56F
Trees down by the woods after some freezing fog
Almost got a great shot of a downy woodpecker taking off
A downy woodpecker in our apple tree
Close-up of the completed jigsaw puzzle
Close-up of the completed jigsaw puzzle
Three photos of mine I had printed out and put on my wall (photo #5764, photo #5674, and photo #5684)
Gingerbread cookies we made
Gingerbread cookies we made
Nice colors and silhouettes
Some snow that looks like Mars
Sign outside Nixon's Grocery in Brant, MI down the road from where I live (and where I work)

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