Some sort of turtle I found in the grass
A sleepy Eva
Nice big roaring fire
Beautiful pink sunset
Macro photograph of water drops on grass
A meal we call 'campfire packets' - raw chicken/beef, chicken-flavored rice, cream of broccoli soup, and onions with butter cooked over a fire for 25 minutes
A meal we call 'campfire packets' - raw chicken/beef, chicken-flavored rice, cream of broccoli soup, and onions with butter cooked over a fire for 25 minutes
Close-up of pine needles
Close-up of some budding leaves
Picture of the woods at the end of my bike route, during the first bike ride of the year
They suggest a very complicated method of filling the silverware basket of our dishwasher
Some Chinese food we ordered
My very dusty computer before I cleaned it out
Close-up of my arm
Close-up of the rope of a pumice stone
Close-up of the rope of a pumice stone
The black fox tail Jane made for Zack (out of yarn)
The dog tail Jane made for herself (out of yarn)
The fox tail Jane made for me (out of yarn)
Photo of me and my favorite shirt
A foggy morning
Beautiful sunrise

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