A nice-looking area along the creek
It doesn't show up well in the photo but the hills here were really tall (probably 50-60 feet)
Bottom of the waterfall at South Chagrin Reservation
The waterfall at South Chagrin Reservation
The creek at South Chagrin Reservation
The waterfall at South Chagrin Reservation
The creek at South Chagrin Reservation. It was refreshingly cool on my feet
Some rapids along a creek/river near the South Chagrin Reservation
A bridge spanning a creek/river near the South Chagrin Reservation
A wetland under construction at Timberlake Park
Some tall grasses in Timberlake Park
The pond in Timberlake Park
A pond in Timberlake Park
Some ducks in a pond in Timberlake Park
A pond in a suburb
A pond in a suburb
A pretty little pavilion and seating area near a pond where a geocache was hidden
A nice wooded creek
A nice wooded creek
A nice wooded creek
A creek and grassland, as seen from a bridge

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