Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

The remains of a structure (either the garage or another smaller building) strewn across a backyard. Debris can be seen near the woods up to 500 feet away
American white pelicans in the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge. Historically they were never found in Michican, but population booms around 2018-2020 have caused them to move further eastward
The completely rusted-out wheel assembly in our sliding door that we're going to try to find a replacement for. The right one looks much better but is still rusted solid
A meal we call 'campfire packets' - raw chicken/beef, chicken-flavored rice, cream of broccoli soup, and onions with butter cooked over a fire for 25 minutes
A meal we call 'campfire packets' - raw chicken/beef, chicken-flavored rice, cream of broccoli soup, and onions with butter cooked over a fire for 25 minutes
View from a deck constructed along the forest line at South Chagrin Reservation. It had various animals like this you could search the nearby trees for
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Blown out garage door, tree damage, and a damaged pole barn behind the house
The first stage in a multi-stage geocache in Ringwood Forest. The coordinates to the next stage are written in very faint black marker on the leaves
The first stage in a multi-stage geocache in Ringwood Forest. The coordinates to the next stage are written in very faint black marker on the leaves
The first stage in a multi-stage geocache in Ringwood Forest. The coordinates to the next stage are written in very faint black marker on the leaves
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Leaves and branches in a yard and sagging power lines in the distance
Interesting macro photo of a penny. There was so much light reflecting off it the camera couldn't really handle it and created a rainbow pattern
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

A piece of a pole barn in a field carried about 500 feet by the wind
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Numerous tree removal trucks drive by as workers clean up the damage
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Multiple trees down in a yard, and one leaning on the house
A moon dog is visible to the left of the moon, which is caused by moonlight refracting through flat hexagonal ice crystals in clouds
The messy aftermath of opening and serving the campfire packets. Most of the mess is melted margarine and ash from the firepit
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

A tree fallen over in a yard and a low power line
Another good shot of the super moon. Don't think it's better than my other best moon photo, just with a different sun angle
Some of the first photos I took with my new camera (Canon PowerShot SX30 IS) included my first wild bald eagle sighting!
Some of the first photos I took with my new camera (Canon PowerShot SX30 IS) included my first wild bald eagle sighting!
Some of the first photos I took with my new camera (Canon PowerShot SX30 IS) included my first wild bald eagle sighting!
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

A house with a hole in the roof of the garage
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Downed trees waiting to be cut up and removed
A doe in a flooded field. Two fawns were behind her, hidden in the tall grass. (Shiawassee National Wildlife Preserve)
We stopped at the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge on our way home from Solon and saw some great egrets from the car
We stopped at the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge on our way home from Solon and saw some great egrets from the car
We stopped at the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge on our way home from Solon and saw some great egrets from the car
A tree survived being partially uprooted from the tornado a month ago. The tree right behind it wasn't so fortunate
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Downed trees and a damaged utility pole
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

A pine tree that was partially uprooted
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Trees snapped off halfway up the trunk
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

A brick house damaged by a fallen tree
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Downed power lines amidst downed trees
Random photo I took while lying in bed to test out my camera's zoom function. It turned out pretty well actually
One of my best shots of the moon, taken with just my new camera and no additional optics (binoculars/telescope)
Waiting in line to exit the Silver Lake Sand Dunes on Labor Day weekend - the line was an hour and a half long
Bright orange sunset during a rain shower. Also produced a really bright rainbow in the backyard (photo #4292)
I found a geocache a couple hundred feet into a field and forest. The field was overgrown, often over my head
I found a geocache a couple hundred feet into a field and forest. The field was overgrown, often over my head
I found a geocache a couple hundred feet into a field and forest. The field was overgrown, often over my head
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

A mailbox wrecked by falling trees
Long exposure shot of the Gannon Ramp parking garage on the LCC campus. Red streak is from a car driving by
Seeing Willie the red panda at Zoo Knoxville, from inside, while behind the scenes in the red panda exhibit
Seeing Willie the red panda at Zoo Knoxville, from inside, while behind the scenes in the red panda exhibit
A white-breasted nuthatch at my feeder. Their large back talons allow them to hang upside-down with ease.
One of a series of geocaches with special markers near them used to decode the location of a final cache
Some deer crossing a road. Used digital zoom since they were so far away, so the image is really grainy
Damage from an EF1 tornado that touched down in Brant on July 11, 2014.

Workers cleaning up the mess
Seagull standing on a fence with the Mackinac Bridge in the background, as seen from Bridge View Park

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