A creepy tufted titmouse looking into my window
A nuthatch with some seeds in its beak
Jane hand-feeding a tufted titmouse. Its little tongue is cute!
Jane hand-feeding a tufted titmouse
A fat, fuzzy little dark-eyed junco
Feeding a tufted titmouse from my hand by sticking it out a partially open window
Feeding a tufted titmouse from my hand by sticking it out a partially open window
Feeding a tufted titmouse from my hand by sticking it out a partially open window
A cardinal sitting in a tree
A black-capped chickadee giving the camera a funny look
A white-breasted nuthatch checking out the feeder
A blue jay at the feeder. He barely fits
A tufted titmouse at the feeder
A tufted titmouse holding a seed between its feet and hammering it open with its beak
Black-capped chickadee looking at the camera
House sparrow
Black-capped chickadee
White-breasted nuthatch
A rabbit as seen from my window
Looks like a new tree (or a few) is starting to grow up from the stump in the yard
A typical Michigan March day
Our yard on a cold day after a lot of snowfall
Deer feeding on apples in our yard
Trees covered in ice after freezing rain
A tree, coated in ice, lit by the sun
A foggy morning

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