A nice silhouetted tree leaning out of the woods
Jane hand-feeding a tufted titmouse
A blanket I randomly saw and took a cool photo of
A creepy tufted titmouse looking into my window
A nuthatch with some seeds in its beak
Jane hand-feeding a tufted titmouse. Its little tongue is cute!
Jane hand-feeding a tufted titmouse
A fat, fuzzy little dark-eyed junco
A cool Christmas decoration
A squirrel foraging in our yard
A small crevasse in the ice
Interesting pattern of snow on the ice. The snow is frozen solid
Tracks in the snow in the woods
Fallen trees over a creek
A big patch of bushes
A typical Michigan March day
Our yard on a cold day after a lot of snowfall
A snowy January
Trees covered in ice after freezing rain

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