This is a Leaflet-powered time-lapse of my main save file in Satisfactory.
A/D: View previous/next version or image
Shift + A/D: Skip by 10 versions
Space: Toggle autoplay
H: Toggle UI visibility
Click or drag on the bar in the top-right corner to select a version, or use the A and D keys. The three buttons at the top of the screen are used to play a slideshow of the map over time. Click yellow links in the description to view the referenced location on the map.
Map images generated at by Anthor (with some custom code to alter map colors). Map icons by Mapicons. Fancy version slider from here. Map by Leaflet, feat. EasyButton, EdgeBuffer, and RasterCoords.
Want to make your own? Sorry, I can't really help you, but feel free to steal any of my code and do what you want with it!
Click this message to hide it. You can show it again by clicking the ? in the bottom-right corner of the screen.