A big twister near the ruins of Auberdine
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
Getting an achievement for quests completed in Gilneas
Fire raining down from Mount Kajaro
An area in Deepholm
The sky above the Twilight Highlands
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
Underground chamber in Uldum
Uldum is basically Egypt, so this must be the Nile
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
A 24 Elite elemental on top of a volcano in Ashenvale
Sun shafts!
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
Pyramid in Uldum
Killable, flying bird critters
Intro quest to Kelp'thar Forest
Menethil Harbor is flooded
The statue that Deathwing knocked over. Dick!
Poor turtle :(
Event that happens during the last boss of Deadmines
Cool thingy in an underground chamber in Uldum
The new Stormwind Bank
Underwater mount version 1.0
The towers that Deathwing perched on at the end of the Cataclysm cinematic
Cool floor in the old Uldum area in Tanaris; the only thing inside is a quest object for a level 45 quest
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
An awesome elite turtle enemy in Mount Hyjal
A bunch of sheep on a mountain NE of Stormwind
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
Huge chunks are missing from some of the Teldrassil roots
Some new type of mob in Tanaris
The new and improved Stormwind Auction House
Dunno, just lots of healing?
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
Rain in Gilneas
The goblin character screen background is pretty spiffy
During the goblin starter chain you almost die
Flying into the Maelstrom on the way to Deepholm
Lots of mobs spawning in the same spot maybe?
The huge gash that runs through the middle of Eastern Kingdoms. On the left is Uldaman, on the right is Redridge
Menethil Harbor is flooded
Flying into the Maelstrom on the way to Deepholm
Getting carried off by a naga in Kelp'thar Forest
The speed barge in the water over what used to be the Shimmering Flats
The new Trade District
This is what's left of Southshore

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