My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
The statue that Deathwing knocked over. Dick!
The Stonemother, leader of one of the factions in Deepholm
The seahorse mount you get partway into the Kelp'thar Forest chain
My fox pet! Foxes have a bonus ability that makes them dance
Flying into the Maelstrom on the way to Deepholm
My fox pet! It's a Hill Fox found in Loch Modan
The Tower of Sulfuron in Mount Hyjal
The huge gash that runs through the middle of Eastern Kingdoms. On the left is Uldaman, on the right is Redridge
Rollin' with my homies
Uldum is basically Egypt, so this must be the Nile
A quest in Gilneas
Running around in Gilneas?
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
Dire Maul from the air
Logging into the beta for the first time
The goblin character screen background is pretty spiffy
Fire raining down from Mount Kajaro
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
The statue outside of the Stormwind Keep
Deathwing makes his appearance over Kezan

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