Underground chamber in Uldum
Uldum is basically Egypt, so this must be the Nile
Pyramid in Uldum
Cool floor in the old Uldum area in Tanaris; the only thing inside is a quest object for a level 45 quest
Some new type of mob in Tanaris
The speed barge in the water over what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Huge dead massive boss mob in what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Huge dead massive boss mob in what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Dire Maul from the air
A Night Elf area in the middle of Desolace
A 24 Elite elemental on top of a volcano in Ashenvale
A cool little stream in the higher-up areas of Mount Hyjal
An awesome elite turtle enemy in Mount Hyjal
The sky above the Twilight Highlands
This is what happened to the farms northwest of Southshore
As you progress in the worgen starting chain, more and more worgen appear
The new and improved Stormwind Auction House
The new Trade District
The new Stormwind Bank
The improved Old Town
The statue outside of the Stormwind Keep
Logging into the beta for the first time
Poor turtle :(

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