Some new type of mob in Tanaris
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
The remains of the Stonewrought Dam
Deathwing makes his appearance over Kezan
My sister's worgen that she made on my account
Booty Bay in disrepair after a tidal wave crashes into it
The boats leave a nice big wake now
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
This is what's left of Southshore
The Tower of Sulfuron in Mount Hyjal
As you progress in the worgen starting chain, more and more worgen appear
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
Poor turtle :(
The worms on this island look awesome
A quest in Gilneas
During the goblin starter chain you almost die
Lots of mobs spawning in the same spot maybe?
A big twister near the ruins of Auberdine
The Stonemother, leader of one of the factions in Deepholm
Flying into the Maelstrom on the way to Deepholm
Running around in Gilneas?
My sister playing around with Worgen at the character screen
Vashj'ir is pretty
The sky above the Twilight Highlands
Fire raining down from Mount Kajaro
My sister's worgen that she made on my account
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
This is what happened to the farms northwest of Southshore
A Night Elf area in the middle of Desolace
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
A funny bug that lets you emote while riding this mount
Sun shafts, you can't really see them in static images though
The towers that Deathwing perched on at the end of the Cataclysm cinematic
The demigod's eye
An area in Deepholm
The new Trade District
A bunch of enslaved murlocs on the Blasted Lands shore
Cool thingy in an underground chamber in Uldum
Malfurion Stormrage looks so awesome
Hitting level 10 during the Gilneas quest chain
Goblins breathed through their feet in the beta
A dead demigod in Vashj'ir. You go inside during a quest chain
Dunno, just lots of healing?
Cool thingy in an underground chamber in Uldum
The speed barge in the water over what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
Dire Maul from the air
The seahorse mount you get partway into the Kelp'thar Forest chain

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