Starting my first raid run in Mists; Mogu'shan Vaults in LFR
The final Golden Lotus quests - this one took quite a few deaths to do
The final Golden Lotus quests - this one took quite a few deaths to do
After a few hours and a few scenarios, my parents and I got the Scenaterdist title
The first scenario I've ever done (not counting Fall of Theramore at 85)
Fighting the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel
Blort is pulling 111,000 DPS in this fight
Playing with our Riding Clouds while getting candy buckets in Kalimdor
The family showing off their best halloween costumes
My first Sha of Anger kill. Too bad he only drops PvP crap
Getting ready to kill the Sha of Anger
Getting ready to kill the Sha of Anger
Helping my parents get Halaa Battle Tokens
Szunai and Blort driving around
Helping my parents kill a rare
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Helping my parents get Halaa Battle Tokens
You can ride things in tree form now
Druid travel form (she's dancing, too)
Doing Gang War
First Deathwing kill on Assak
Death Dealer Clan hitting level 9
Killing Garrosh
Killing Sylvanas
Getting ready to kill Sylvanas
Twilight Ranger got stuck up on a hill
That's a lot of popups
Running Black Temple
Running Black Temple
Szunai and Gizgar having fun with their archaeology trinkets
Fight Kael'thas in Tempest Keep
Too bad it's not a REAL legendary
Having fun on the fourth of July
Getting drunk on the fourth of July
Got all of the Cataclysm fires
Everyone on gryphons
Getting fires during Midsummer
It put us in Slave Pens for Ahune, but it didn't actually spawn him...
Running Deadmines on Moon Guard
Our Moon Guard group after running Deadmines
Our Moon Guard group after running Deadmines
Helping my parents with Crucible of Carnage
Took me four or five years, but I finally beat Sunwell Plateau
Posing in Sunwell Plateau
This was by far the hardest achievement for the Red Proto-Drake
The five of us taking the boat to Rut'theran Village for a holiday event
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride

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