Doing Theramore's Fall
Doing Theramore's Fall
Doing Theramore's Fall
Killing Crithto
Killing Crithto
Killing Crithto
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
The new Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
Druid travel form (she's dancing, too)
Flying around in Hyjal
Doing Gang War
First Deathwing kill on Assak
Killing Garrosh
Killing Sylvanas
Running Black Temple
Running Black Temple
Having fun on the fourth of July
Got all of the Cataclysm fires
Gizgar and Neinna on their turtles
Really big dog on a really little dragon
Getting fires during Midsummer
The first time I've seen a real legendary drop (Neinna got it)
Took me four or five years, but I finally beat Sunwell Plateau
Posing in Sunwell Plateau
The five of us taking the boat to Rut'theran Village for a holiday event
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Flying up to Ironforge to do some event stuff
The five of us on three rockets, about to head to Ironforge
Zack got Gizgar switched over to Alliance
Lots of spots
Finally, after over a month of grinding dailies...
Mankrik, the last NPC I needed to see for the last Molten Front/Hyjal quest, finally
I have the Dragon Soul!
Lots of DPS at the very beginning of a boss fight
A guy opening what's probably a bunch of fishing crates in the middle of a raid
Getting ready to pull in Vortex Pinnacle
Getting ready to pull in Vortex Pinnacle
Two-manning Throne of the Tides with Neinna to farm Lovely Charms
My 1 twink beating on Neinna
Me, Valk, Neinna, and Zack playing with our mounts in Westfall
Me, Valk, Neinna, and Zack playing with our mounts in Westfall
Jumping off Karazhan seconds before the servers restart
Oh hey, look what dropped!
These mobs suck in Vortex Pinnacle
Hitting level 85 on Foxthorn
Hanging out in the old destroyed barracks in Stormwind with some friends
Me, Grudek, and Neinna showing off our new foxes
Hanging around with Neinna in Booty Bay

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