A secret underwater room in the Speed Barge in Thousand Needles
A goblin poster in an underwater room on the speed barge
A giant freaking turtle in Zul'Gurub
A nice big crit on a Stormwind rat
Finishing the goblin starting zone on Roguefox
This doesn't seem like such a good idea...
This looks cool.
These raptors died cool.
There's a lot of land mines to avoid.
So many bombs in this boss fight
I'm gonna punch that dragon in the face
Don't goblins have the best interior decorating?
The mount I bought with 200 Tol Barad Commendations
Getting 200 Tol Barad Commendations so I can buy my mount
My first arena win since BC
Me and my pets
Finally got the Fox Kit <3
Just me
Finally killed the Whale Shark
Attempting to kill the Whale Shark
Someone riding some sort of motorcycle in Tol Barad
Me and Eric standing around in Tol Barad
Sarutabaruta the Worgen Death Knight
Max, Eric and me hanging out in a little hidden area of Stormwind
Shooting Garrosh Hellscream with a BB gun
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, Queen of the Dragons
My awesome rag-tag group of soldiers
That's an awesome gun
Defeating the brain inside the Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands
Hi Deathwing
Quest objectives: Defeat Deathwing
A rare raptor in a cave in Wetlands
Some Alliance fleet off the east coast of Arathi Highlands (turns out it's for a Horde Twilight Highlands quest)
Some dwarf running around on Ironforge Mountain
Sarutabaruta the Worgen Death Knight
Some poor goblins
An Alliance camp on a hidden island in Feralas
This area in Mulgore has a bunch of giant critters
This area in Mulgore has a bunch of giant critters
Some paintings on a rock in Mulgore
Some paintings on a rock in Mulgore
This area has a bunch of giant critters
This area in Mulgore has a bunch of giant critters
Don't remember what or where this is. Some little blue crater

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