A little Alliance guy up in Mulgore I think?
A pretty little lake hidden in the mountains of Stranglethorn
A pretty little lake hidden in the mountains of Stranglethorn
The area behind the entrance to Undercity
The area behind the entrance to Undercity
A fairy ring up in the mountains of Tirisfal Glades
A hidden camp up in the mountains of Tirisfal Glades
Oh trade chat...
Crafted the Fossilized Hatchling with Archaeology
Crafting the Fossilized Hatchling with Archaeology...
I love the new sun shafts
I love the new sun shafts
I'm about to make some pretty easy money
Justice hitting level 4
Finally getting Twilight Assist...an expansion too late
The hitboxes for these bridges are a little wonky
Aurelius, some guy in Forlorn Legacy
We barely got him
Killing the second last boss in Lost City of the Tol'vir
These mobs suck in Vortex Pinnacle
This guy looks pretty neat
There's a lot of shadow stuff on the ground to avoid in this fight
Running around on the water in Tol Barad
Trying to farm for the Fox Kit drop (I eventually got it)
The Dwarven wedding in Twilight Highlands
Hitting level 85 on Foxthorn
The Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands
The Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands
These quest names
This fight in the Crucible of Carnage is fun
Another part of the Crucible of Carnage
This guy's name is Hurp'derp
Starting the Crucible of Carnage in Twilight Highlands
A floating herb :(
Taking the flight to Twilight Highlands
This guy is pretty big
Getting Stood in the Fire in Uldum :D
Getting Stood in the Fire in Uldum :D
Best quest in the whole game
Best quest in the whole game
We gotta hack the Wibson
You have to distract gnomes. Here's one of the distractions
I'm covered in baby crocs
Throne of the Tides looks pretty sweet
A bit of a glitch
10.6K Kill Shot crit (not much in retrospect)
Completing the intro quest in Uldum rewards you with either 200 gold or 1000 reputation with the native faction. I took the gold
Everybody loves Budd
The quicksilver pools in Deepholm

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