Deepholm looks pretty sweet
Hitting level 83 from picking an herb
No idea what this is but it looks cool
Back in the submarine
GET IT OFF ME (Quest in Vashj'ir)
I drank a potion that turns you into a random race
I drank a potion that turns you into a random race
I drank a potion that turns you into a random race
Me and Eric's worgen death knight
Inside said submarine in Vashj'ir
Inside said submarine in Vashj'ir
A submarine in Vashj'ir
Getting launched hundreds of feet into the air during a quest
Oh hello, Whale Shark
Oh hello, Whale Shark
Runty, one of Beauty's puppies in Blackrock Caverns
Running Blackrock Caverns
Running Throne of the Tides
The Whale Shark
Dying in Blackrock Caverns for the first time
Running Blackrock Caverns for the first time
Running Blackrock Caverns for the first time
Everyone waiting for the boat to Vashj'ir
Everyone waiting for the boat to Vashj'ir
Everyone picking up the new Cataclysm quests
Everyone swamping the flight trainer in Stormwind after Cataclysm was released
Everyone swamping the flight trainer in Stormwind after Cataclysm was released
Everyone swamping the flight trainer in Stormwind after Cataclysm was released
Checking out Gallywix's Pleasure Palace in Azshara
Checking out Gallywix's Pleasure Palace in Azshara
Me and Kaelsig jumping on a bed in Gallywix's Pleasure Palace
Hanging out in the old destroyed barracks in Stormwind with some friends
Me, Grudek, and Neinna showing off our new foxes
I'm about to get the Stood in the Fire achievement in Western Plaguelands!
Prince Sarsarun, one of the elemental bosses fightable during the Elemental Unrest Pre-Cataclysm event
Defending Stormwind from elementals during the Elemental Unrest Pre-Catacl2ysm event
Doing some quest in Hellfire Peninsula on Warriorfox
My new wolf mount on Warriorfox
Getting exalted with Orgrimmar, time for my wolf mount!
Wow, I found someone else who uses WatchXP!
Hanging around with Neinna in Booty Bay
Leveling my new Horde warrior
Running Molten Core for some reason or another
My new Purple Proto-Drake
Finally finishing the What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been achievement
Dalaran all decked out for Hallow's End
I look even weirder in a...whatever mask this is
I look weird in a human mask
Some random picture of Feralas (?)

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