A whole bunch of tree-form druids posing right before the servers go down for 4.0.1
Doing the Shattrath Apexis daily with our raid group after the raid tonight
Someone used that knife toy on Archimonde
(7 of 7) We killed Kromog with a single healer left alive soloing the last ~1%
Got my fox kit on Warriorfox, only took about an hour.
Dalaran is full
The Gorgrond sky during the day
This area in Mulgore has a bunch of giant critters
Killed a Dragon Soul boss, or maybe because I sold a bunch of flasks?
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here's even more skeletons
Some guildies riding their mammoths after getting Heroism + firewater + gigantic feast
Everyone crowding around the new armor vendor on the Isle of Quel'danas
A Garn Nighthowl, they're all over the place here and essentially unkillable since they one-shot most players
Druid party in Stormwind!
Turns out you can use the Smite trinket while mounted up, even with passengers
Grudek, showing off all of his red gear
Someone buying all of my herbs. A month or so into the expansion herbs stopped being very profitable due to the Garrison Herb Garden
Won an arena match with Zack and Eric
A pretty little lake hidden in the mountains of Stranglethorn
Wiping in Throne of Thunder
One of the enchants sold for 7500g
Killing Ultraxion
Exalted with Justice!
My friend Flowers likes polar bears so I think he'll appreciate this
I look even weirder in a...whatever mask this is
A weird bug we found with robes and boot textures
Before the fifth boss in Dragon Soul
Got a BoE epic drop that looks like it'll sell well. Eventually sold it for 22.8k
Doing my dailies on the Isle of Quel'Danas
Defending Stormwind from elementals during the Elemental Unrest Pre-Catacl2ysm event
Running Deadmines on Moon Guard
125% haste
The SMV sky in one of the subzones when it's raining is really cool
Group shot of everyone's alts on some other server
This monkey died kinda funny
Helping my parents get Halaa Battle Tokens
A bug that existed for a while that showed the 'You have died' dialog box when you weren't dead
Dean Venture is in my raid
Finally got Master of Apexis! (100,000 Apexis Crystals)
Assak in Deathsilk armor
Lots of dead voidwalkers in Hellfire
Titanbar saying I'm making 5.3 million gold an hour
Lots of popups after killing Imperator Mar'gok for the first time in LFR
At the end of Justice's second annual naked gnome race
Playing on our pandas

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