Running Gnomer with DSV and Courts
Using Eagle Eye to peek around inside AQ40
Trying to run to Ahn'Qiraj
A bunch of sand trolls in ZF
A bunch of mobs chasing after me in ZF
Dying in ZF
A bunch of mobs running after me in ZF
Showing off my armor and weapons at level 54. I hated that stupid claw dagger
A UI screenshot at level 54 in Feralas
Dying in Gnomeregan :(
Fox standing around in Moonbrook at level 51
All of my pets
Outrunning a bunch of aggro in Eastern Plaguelands
The guild running Uldaman
The guild running Uldaman
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Pic of my character screen a long time ago, showing my character levels
Dying in Blackrock Depths :(
Dying in Blackrock Depths :(
Doing ZF with Biohe, Courts, DSV and some other guy
Running through deadmines at level 40 with Grass and Sofaa
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, and now he's dead
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, everyone on the map
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, still fighting
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, now everyone's fighting him
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, more chasing...
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, a look at the raid window
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, more mount chasing
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here a bunch of people are chasing him on their mounts
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here's some people celebrating
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here's even more skeletons
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here's a bunch of skeletons
Looking over Booty Bay while drunk
Me with the members of my "new" guild, Death Dealer Clan. Without them, who knows where I'd be right now
Same as before
My first "artsy" screenshot, my friend's username was Srakha and I named my pet after her...still name all my pets Srakha
Another UI pic at level 67
Got Explore Eastern Kingdoms complete!
Got Explore Eastern Kingdoms complete!
Good shot of a gryphon flying over Wetlands
My UI at level 70. Addons include: Bagnon, XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, JumpCounter, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
My UI at level 70. Addons include: Cartographer, XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
My UI at level 70. Addons include: Cartographer, XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, JumpCounter, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
My UI at level 70. Addons include: XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
Cute wolvar pup in Zul'drak
Cute little wolvar in Zul'drak

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