I'm making a KILLING off of Golden Lotus right now
The guy's face on the left
A jumping puzzle to get to a treasure chest
Playing with the selfie camera in tonight's raid :P
Got back into the secret room in Orgrimmar again on Warriorfox
Doing the special 40-man Molten Core
Fighting an elite in Hillsbrad Foothills on our Horde alts
Max and I are beating each other up with shovels
Talking to Gizgar's minions while he's on the green fire quest
Thrym is huge!
First wing of Throne of Thunder completed for the first time
Working on Explore Netherstorm with Neinna
Ogres worshipping me after completing the Ogre Heaven quest chain
My jade serpent hatchling that I'm raising
People waiting outside of Ulduar (instances are down)
A pic of Foxthorn's armor
Standing on Khadgar's fishtank
Hitting 85 on my second 85 :D
Matt tanking armor-less in Hour of Twilight
Dying in Blackrock Depths :(
My Swift Lovebird
Everyone standing on the deck of the Skyfire above Jade Forest
A random shackled skeleton in an underwater cave in SMV
Running some instances with my mom and dad
Northrend crashing
Dying in Gnomeregan :(
14000+ gold on Foxthorn
One of many, many wipes on Brackenspore
Soloing an 82 elite
"Slay oa Shadow Council members"
My first Sha of Anger kill. Too bad he only drops PvP crap
The Garrison from above (using Aviana's Feather)
First Heroic Butcher kill
Lots of dead bodies during a Deadmines run
Got Explore Eastern Kingdoms complete!
Everybody loves Budd
The family showing off their best halloween costumes
I have a mounted mount
Using a goblin glider, I got on top of Auchindoun :D
Doing one of the worst achievements in the game to get the Love Prism toy from 2015 Love is in the Air
Ellross fighting people on the backs of drakes in Storm Peaks
Looking out over Nagrand from way up in the mountains
A bunch of elekks perched on top of the Stormwind Fountain
Lots of AoE damage in the Deadmines

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