That's a lot of turret fireballs
(1 of 7) We killed Kromog with a single healer left alive soloing the last ~1%
Close to a first Flamebender kill, but no dice
Killing a summoned Garrison boss
Pretty close kill for Beastlord Darmac tonight
Getting the 'There's Always a Bigger Train' achievement in BRF :D
We were THAT close to killing Heroic Butcher :(
We finally killed Brackenspore after about 12 wipes! He's pretty complicated. I also got an achievement (get 15 stacks of Burning Infusion and defeat Brackenspore) and pulled 30k DPS with the flamethrower :D
We came very close to defeating him this time
That's a lot of stamina on those boots
"You will lose one rankd of guild reputation"
The final Golden Lotus quests - this one took quite a few deaths to do
The final Golden Lotus quests - this one took quite a few deaths to do
Doing Theramore's Fall
Doing Theramore's Fall
Doing Gang War
Death Dealer Clan hitting level 9
Twilight Ranger got stuck up on a hill
A tiny Assak in Sethekk Halls
A tiny Assak in Sethekk Halls
Me, Valk, Neinna, and Zack playing with our mounts in Westfall
Me, Valk, Neinna, and Zack playing with our mounts in Westfall
Oh hey, look what dropped!
Getting all the achievements for the Red Proto-Drake. There we go!
Fight #2 in Dragon Soul, also Ka'anu Reevs
Killing Ultraxion
Fighting a boss in Dragon Soul, also doing 28K DPS (buffed up)
More Dragon Soul
All of us standing together on our death knights.
All of us mounted up on our death knights.
We all made death knights on Emerald Dream (RPPVP)
Hitting level 85 on Foxthorn
Getting Explore Northrend on Foxytwink
More than a ton of mobs attacking me in the Deadmines
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
I survived Heigan's dance!
The Scarab Lord himself, Dissonant
Me in whelp form in Shadow Labs
We all made alts and tried to 5-man Hogger at level 4...I can't remember how well we did
A bunch of mobs chasing after me in ZF
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, everyone on the map
Tedious somehow got himself stuck off Mannoroth's platform
Someone used that knife toy on Archimonde
Getting ready to give Zakuun a "joke" attempt. We got him to ~8% on our third attempt with no real intent on killing him after tonight's raid
They killed Kilrogg while we were in a vision. Also, first kill!
First Hellfire High Council kill! Barely beat the enrage timer, too
First Iron Reaver kill
Got the achievement for Beastlord Darmac
All the rewards from getting Platinum in a Garrison invasion
First Oregorger kill

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