Pulling 39k DPS during the first burn phase of Kargath
Finally hit 100 on Assak!
Even more completed Garrison missions
Doing the Shattrath Apexis daily with our raid group after the raid tonight
We finally killed Brackenspore after about 12 wipes! He's pretty complicated. I also got an achievement (get 15 stacks of Burning Infusion and defeat Brackenspore) and pulled 30k DPS with the flamethrower :D
Oh, we're totally killing him this time
One of many, many wipes on Brackenspore
The Butcher is extra festive this week
Lots of people waiting to kill the Greench for the Winter Veil daily
Wiped on the last boss of UBRS
Having a party while waiting for some crystals to respawn for an achievement in Shattrath
I don't know why there's so many bodies here
Weird bug that makes you roll on all of a boss's loot (you don't actually get anything except your piece)
About to kill Ragnaros in the special 40-man Molten Core raid
About to kill Ragnaros in the special 40-man Molten Core raid
About to kill Ragnaros in the special 40-man Molten Core raid
About to kill Ragnaros in the special 40-man Molten Core raid
Doing the special 40-man Molten Core
I made 189 healing potions from all the Sea Scorpion Segments I had built up from fishing and got from 600 to 700 First Aid in less than 30 seconds
An extremely long wait for Molten Core
53 minutes into a 12 minute queue
An excruciatingly long Heroic queue...
The guy's face on the left
About to engage Brackenspore (possibly for the first time). This guy ended up being very tough
We came very close to defeating him this time
One of many wipes while learning the Butcher fight (we one- or two-shot him regularly a few weeks later)
First in DPS right now :D
Looking around the coliseum in Highmaul
About to start Highmaul proper
Just inside the entrance of Highmaul with Justice
About to go into my first normal raid since Wrath!
Preparing to kill Tarlna in Gorgrond
Pulling 25k AoE DPS in UBRS
Looking at the second-last boss in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
About to kill the last boss of Grimrail Depot. The view is awesome
Lots more completed Garrison missions
A jumping puzzle to get to a treasure chest
This dungeon is really cool; we're fighting on a moving train
Lots of completed missions :D
Failed a 94% mission...
After a Garrison invasion, my flight master was still in my mine. I took a flight somewhere and the gryphon flew through the mine to his normal spot, then continued on the path to the destination
After a Garrison invasion, my flight master was still in my mine. I took a flight somewhere and the gryphon flew through the mine to his normal spot, then continued on the path to the destination
We all drank transmorphic tinctures, which swapped our genders
I encountered a few problems while attempting to write an addon to slightly randomize treasure map icons...
About to confront Garrosh in Nagrand
Barely survived this fight
A Garn Nighthowl, they're all over the place here and essentially unkillable since they one-shot most players
People swarming around the new Blingtron 5000 outside the Garrison
typo in a Nagrand quest: "Collect oa Nagrand Antiquities"

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