This mask makes it look like I have a lot of nose hair
What an inconspicuous tree!
Me having 8397 Attack Power in Forge of Souls
Max and I are beating each other up with shovels
Hitting the 500 character limit in the guild
Showing off all of my pets in Ironforge
Now we're running Shadowfang Keep.
Queue on the only server up
Managed to get way up here in Blackwing Lair
Leveling toons on the Quel'Dorei server in Ashenvale. No idea who Gooddog is
Did the Croman achievement with Justice this morning
Awaiting loot after Justice's first Malygos 25 kill
Cute little wolvar in Zul'drak
Wiping on Iron Council
A guy opening what's probably a bunch of fishing crates in the middle of a raid
Lots of people ready to head into Serpentshrine Cavern
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Death Dealer Clan hitting level 9
My Pandaren :D
Everyone crowding the Orphan Matron in Dalaran after 3.2 was released.
Wiping on the last boss of Blackwing Lair
This guy and I were one DPS away from each other
Gizmo the raccoon :3 (RIP)
Strange graphics bugs
My very first screenshot of WoW ever...Foxthorn, my first character, at level 9
Druid party in Stormwind!
Hitting 85 on my second 85 :D
Cult of the Plush Gnome's 40-man naked gnome raid - running through Dun Morogh
Looking out over Nagrand from way up in the mountains
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, and now he's dead
Doing a summoned Garrison boss with Szunai, Blort, and Neinna
Skeletons left over from previous wipes on Auriaya
Waiting for Mumta to spawn on the Isle of Thunder
Killed Warlord Zaela fast enough that she never got to phase 2, and died way down below
Doing one of the worst achievements in the game to get the Love Prism toy from 2015 Love is in the Air
What WoW looks like stretched across two monitors
There's a lot of land mines to avoid.
Killing Deathwing...
In the chat box you can see someone on Alliance saying "kaelsig", which is how a friend got his character name.
This is all you could see during the first quest on the first day of Mists
Doing Theramore's Fall
Level 90!

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