Messy LFR Blackhand kill
First Flamebender kill! She was the hardest boss so far (something like 40 wipes)
First platinum invasion!
First Heroic Tectus kill
First Heroic Butcher kill
First Heroic Twin Ogron kill
This new helm is really, really ugly on me
Our first ever boss kill in Blackrock Foundry, and after only four or five wipes!
One of many, many wipes on Brackenspore
One of many wipes while learning the Butcher fight (we one- or two-shot him regularly a few weeks later)
We all drank transmorphic tinctures, which swapped our genders
We need this guy for so many things...
The result of having the Saurok form on Isle of Thunder plus the Party Time buff from Blingtron
Got a big group together to do the 'Ready for RAAAAIIIIDDD?!?ing' achievement
Got a big group together to do the 'Ready for RAAAAIIIIDDD?!?ing' achievement
Got a big group together to do the 'Ready for RAAAAIIIIDDD?!?ing' achievement
Waiting for Mumta to spawn on the Isle of Thunder
This guy really butchered the word 'assassin'.
Fighting an elite in Hillsbrad Foothills on our Horde alts
Picking up slaves in the Hillsbrad mines
Sitting around in Crossroads on our Horde alts
Zack's, Max's, and my Horde alts in Northern Barrens
We're all dragging our dead guys around
Another Hozen dance party!
We're just a barrel of monkeys
Waiting for our dungeon queue after finishing Scarlet monastery
Helping my parents kill a rare
Our first Pandaria instance completed (Temple of the Jade Serpent)
You can ride things in tree form now
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
Taking a shortcut to Orgrimmar
Three priests in Blackrock Caverns
Zack got Gizgar switched over to Alliance
Lots of spots
Amerynth, Nollas and me waiting for the Darkmoon Faire chest to spawn
Cloth of the Monkey
Running Karazhan for Transmog gear
Getting all the achievements for the Red Proto-Drake. We were so close :\
Eating at some picnic tables in a hidden resort town in Feralas
A secret underwater room in the Speed Barge in Thousand Needles
Finally getting Twilight expansion too late
These mobs suck in Vortex Pinnacle
Hanging around with Neinna in Booty Bay
Amiraa and Zack and Sofaa and I fooling around in Dalaran, showing off all of our mounts
A bunch of frostbolts missing me
Exploring Netherstorm right before my death
My friend and me using another friend's warrior to run my level 1 twink everywhere for the Explorer title
People waiting outside of Ulduar (instances are down)
A bunch of ghostly gryphons flying back to Ulduar after a wipe

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