Intro quest to Kelp'thar Forest
Intro quest to Kelp'thar Forest
Intro quest to Kelp'thar Forest
Cool thingy in an underground chamber in Uldum
Cool thingy in an underground chamber in Uldum
Underground chamber in Uldum
Uldum is basically Egypt, so this must be the Nile
Pyramid in Uldum
Cool floor in the old Uldum area in Tanaris; the only thing inside is a quest object for a level 45 quest
Some new type of mob in Tanaris
The speed barge in the water over what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Huge dead massive boss mob in what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Huge dead massive boss mob in what used to be the Shimmering Flats
Poor turtle :(
Dire Maul from the air
A Night Elf area in the middle of Desolace
A 24 Elite elemental on top of a volcano in Ashenvale
A cool little stream in the higher-up areas of Mount Hyjal
An awesome elite turtle enemy in Mount Hyjal
The Tower of Sulfuron in Mount Hyjal
Malfurion Stormrage looks so awesome
A big twister near the ruins of Auberdine
During the goblin starter chain you almost die
Fire raining down from Mount Kajaro
My awesome goblin party
Deathwing makes his appearance over Kezan
Deathwing makes his appearance over Kezan
Rollin' with my homies
The worms on this island look awesome
Booty Bay in disrepair after a tidal wave crashes into it
Stratholme from the air
Deathwing skimmed the ground here apparently
The sky above the Twilight Highlands
The remains of the Stonewrought Dam
The huge gash that runs through the middle of Eastern Kingdoms. On the left is Uldaman, on the right is Redridge
The loch in Loch Modan
My fox pet! Foxes have a bonus ability that makes them dance
My fox pet! It's a Hill Fox found in Loch Modan
A bunch of sheep on a mountain NE of Stormwind
This is what happened to the farms northwest of Southshore
This is what's left of Southshore
Sun shafts!
Menethil Harbor is flooded
Menethil Harbor is flooded
Sun shafts!
Sun shafts!
Part of the worgen starting chain
As you progress in the worgen starting chain, more and more worgen appear

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