My sister's worgen that she made on my account
My sister's worgen that she made on my account
My sister's worgen that she made on my account
The goblin character screen background is pretty spiffy
Sun shafts, you can't really see them in static images though
Sun shafts, you can't really see them in static images though
Huge chunks are missing from some of the Teldrassil roots
What's left of Rut'theran village
The boats leave a nice big wake now
The boats leave a nice big wake now
Some fire in what's left of the Trade District in Stormwind
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
Some weird guy in the Stormwind Keep
The new and improved Stormwind Auction House
The new Trade District
The new Stormwind Bank
The statue that Deathwing knocked over. Dick!
The towers that Deathwing perched on at the end of the Cataclysm cinematic
The improved Old Town
The statue outside of the Stormwind Keep
Logging into the beta for the first time

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