My first arena win since BC
Finally killed the Whale Shark
Shooting Garrosh Hellscream with a BB gun
Crafted the Fossilized Hatchling with Archaeology
Finally getting Twilight expansion too late
We barely got him
Hitting level 85 on Foxthorn
Getting Stood in the Fire in Uldum :D
Getting Stood in the Fire in Uldum :D
I'm about to get the Stood in the Fire achievement in Western Plaguelands!
Getting exalted with Orgrimmar, time for my wolf mount!
Finally finishing the What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been achievement
Foxytwink the Explorer!
Finally getting Explorer on Foxytwink!
Foxytwink finishing Explore Outland
Getting Explore Northrend on Foxytwink
Exploring Netherstorm right before my death
Got Explore Eastern Kingdoms complete!
Got Explore Eastern Kingdoms complete!
Everyone getting the Heroic: Siege of Ulduar achievement
Completing the Timely Death achievement with two people left alive
Flame Leviathan kill in Ulduar 10
I can't believe I was the only one to survive Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!
Loremaster Foxthorn! Finally!
Phase 3 of the Malygos 25 fight
Completing Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms, finally!
Penguin army acquired while completing the Critter Gitter achievement
Penguin army acquired while completing the Critter Gitter achievement
BT full clear at 80 for the achievement
Me getting attacked by an angry mob of turkeys after completing the achievement 'Friend or Fowl'.
Showing off all our new Black War Bears in Dalaran
Ding! My first 80!

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