Trying to get an achievement on Razorscale. It takes so long
Someone used that knife toy on Archimonde
Making lots of Hexweave Bags to sell
I missed the screenshot of him, but a level 22 got into a Kazzak group
Lots of stuff in my bank
I was completely boxed in during this Tectus fight
Odd tooltip bug with Garrison barn work orders
Finally hit 100 on Assak!
Weird bug that makes you roll on all of a boss's loot (you don't actually get anything except your piece)
Drawing a cool path in one of the Tanaan Jungle intro quests
About to light my gunpowder path in this Tanaan quest
Dad barely survived this boss fight
Getting to a chest on the Timeless Isle
Doing Naxx for transmog stuff
Got the achievement for completing every Mists heroic dungeon
About to kill a rare in Kun-Lai Summit
Max and I playing around with paper zeppelins
Cool picture of Assak against the sky
Kuroken and Assak with matching mounts
Having fun trying to get to cool places in the Shrine of Seven Stars
I hit level 90 on Assak!
Me, Jane, and Max leveling our 89s in Townlong Steppes
The shaman's DPS was insane in this fight (110,000)
Pretty cool screenshot of the warlock gateway thing at the Frozen Throne
Fighting the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel
This monkey died kinda funny
Not sure why I took this screenshot...
Kaelsig and I comparing transmog sets
Having fun with our healers in Stormwind
You can even ride druids while they lay on the ground
Riding Verothas around Stormwind
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Riding Maranwe around Elwynn Forest
Killing Crithto
Killing Crithto
Killing Crithto
Killing Crithto
I'm gonna kill that dog
Having fun with Mind Sear
He totally stole my transmog set
First Deathwing kill on Assak
Death Dealer Clan hitting level 9
Seeing how far Gizgar can glide (turns out, not far)
Seeing how far Gizgar can glide (turns out, not far)
Killing Garrosh
Taking a shortcut to Orgrimmar
Killing Sylvanas

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