Auriaya is done with us
Auriaya is done with us
Skeletons left over from previous wipes on Auriaya
More than a ton of mobs attacking me in the Deadmines
Wiping on Iron Council
Skeletons left over from previous wipes on Auriaya
Wiping on Kologarn at 630,000 health
Fighting Flame Leviathan in Ulduar
Completing the Timely Death achievement with two people left alive
Wiping on the last boss of Blackwing Lair
There's a Goldclover up in the tree in Freya's room in Ulduar
Stalagg breaking free and going crazy before the Thaddius encounter in Naxxramas
Stalagg breaking free and going crazy before the Thaddius encounter in Naxxramas
Flame Leviathan kill in Ulduar 10
I can't believe I was the only one to survive Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!
I survived Heigan's dance!
Watching the Malygos fight from my dead body
Wipe in Sunwell Plateau
Thunder Bluff raid
Running back to Serpentshrine Cavern after a wipe
Wiping on Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Wiped in Black Morass
Durn OWNED us
Dying in ZF
Dying in Gnomeregan :(
Raiding Thunder Bluff late one night at level 46
Dying in Blackrock Depths :(
Dying in Blackrock Depths :(

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