First Deathwing kill on Assak
125% haste
A guy opening what's probably a bunch of fishing crates in the middle of a raid
Killed a Dragon Soul boss, or maybe because I sold a bunch of flasks?
We killed Deathwing!
Killing Deathwing...
Killing Deathwing...
Deathwing killed us all
Fighting Warmaster Blackhorn in Dragon Soul (After coming back the next day)
Overlooking the airship in Dragon Soul
Mass Resurrection is convenient
The clouds during this phase of the raid look really cool
Fight #2 in Dragon Soul, also Ka'anu Reevs
Ultraxion is now dead
Killing Ultraxion
Ultraxion appearing
Before the fifth boss in Dragon Soul
Deathwing showing up in the second half of Dragon Soul
Finishing the first half of Dragon Soul
Wiping in Dragon Soul :(
Fighting a boss in Dragon Soul, also doing 28K DPS (buffed up)
More Dragon Soul
Starting the Dragon Soul raid

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