"the raccoon" is literally my name
Tedious somehow got himself stuck off Mannoroth's platform
Killed Warlord Zaela fast enough that she never got to phase 2, and died way down below
7/9 online guildies are warriors
In honor of The Force Awakens, Orgrimmar and Stormwind guards are wielding lightsabers
Pulling Son of the Beast into the next boss's room and killing them both at the same time
Everyone showing off their 11th anniversary gifts
Got Silver Tank Proving Grounds on my hunter :D
Zakuun has 99.99 million HP right now
PAYDAY 2 reference in WoW :D
Short shorts
Got Sonalbelli killed while he was AFK
Giant people in Ironforge
A mob standing on the top of a tree
Someone used that knife toy on Archimonde
Sonalbelli is tiny
Funny levitating bear
Oh, HELL no!
Found two Zandalari Warscouts within like 100 yards of each other
Elder Ellderr
Almost the entire room filled with purple junk on Gorefiend
I missed the screenshot of him, but a level 22 got into a Kazzak group
That's a lot of turret fireballs
All the rewards from getting Platinum in a Garrison invasion
This guy and I were one DPS away from each other
Funny mail from Szunai
Reached 666 item level D:
Got an invite for my raid literally one second after a guy left my group (he needed someone in my garrison)
Getting the 'There's Always a Bigger Train' achievement in BRF :D
This new helm is really, really ugly on me
Exactly 8888 Apexis Crystals
I got both 'Got My Mind On My Money' and 'Got My Mind On My Draenor Money' at exactly the same time
The guy's face on the left
We all drank transmorphic tinctures, which swapped our genders
A rat innkeeper in Gorgrond
The seahorse showing up as one of my random mounts at my Garrison stables
An arakkoa riding a wolf looks pretty funny
If you have the lumber mill, you can find a fallen log to save one of the Barov twins
If you have the lumber mill, you can find a fallen log to save one of the Barov twins
Zoolander reference :D
Funny dialogue during a Spires quest
Funny quest dialogue as I'm about to upgrade to a level 3 Garrison
A quest in Spires of Arak
Funny dialogue in a Spires quest
You can also feign death on these training mounts
Complicated Wood sold by your Garrison innkeeper
This person almost has Neinna's name
The result of having the Saurok form on Isle of Thunder plus the Party Time buff from Blingtron
Talking to Gizgar's minions while he's on the green fire quest

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