Talking to Gizgar's minions while he's on the green fire quest
Zack got his green fire book! (It turned out to be a very, very difficult fight)
Disguized as Saurok or whatever on the Isle of Thunder
Waiting for Mumta to spawn on the Isle of Thunder
Killing rares on the Isle of Thunder
Killing rares on the Isle of Thunder
This druid is doing 458,395 damage per second
First in DPS :D
Lookin' good during a raid
Gizgar is the same size as Neinna's Qiraji pet
Turns out you can use the Smite trinket while mounted up, even with passengers
Fighting the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel
Fighting the Shrouded Cetacean off the coast of Krasarang Wilds
Another Hozen dance party!
We're just a barrel of monkeys
Waiting for our dungeon queue after finishing Scarlet monastery
Gizgar fishing with a shovel
Gizgar's Blingtron 4000
Killing Huggalon
330 Ghost Iron Zack wants me to transmute into Trillium
All of my and Zack's pets/minions out at once
Beating up hordes of pandaren
Beating up hordes of pandaren
A glimpse of Gizgar on his goblin glider
Gizgar and I training with the pandas
We spot Whiteberry occasionally
Toortle Wider :3
Our first Pandaria instance completed (Temple of the Jade Serpent)
Our second Pandaria rare
Our first Pandaria rare
Playing around with Gizgar in Hyjal
Doing Theramore's Fall
Doing Theramore's Fall
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
The new Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
Seeing how far Gizgar can glide (turns out, not far)
Seeing how far Gizgar can glide (turns out, not far)
Killing Garrosh
Taking a shortcut to Orgrimmar
Killing Sylvanas
Getting ready to kill Sylvanas
Running Black Temple
Running Black Temple
Running Ulduar
Running Ulduar
Szunai and Gizgar having fun with their archaeology trinkets
Fight Kael'thas in Tempest Keep
Too bad it's not a REAL legendary
Having fun on the fourth of July

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