Foxytwink finishing Explore Outland
Getting Explore Northrend on Foxytwink
Exploring Netherstorm right before my death
Working on Explore Netherstorm with Neinna
Working on Explore Netherstorm with Neinna
Working on Explore Netherstorm with Neinna
During the SFK run previously mentioned.
Now we're running Shadowfang Keep.
During the Deadmines run previously mentioned.
During the Deadmines run previously mentioned.
During the Deadmines run previously mentioned.
A few friends and I decided to do this thing where you remove all of your gear and start running lowbie instances, one by one, using only the gear you receive, and see how far you can get.
Tagging along for my sister's TLPD kill. Wouldn't let me have the mount for 5000g :(
Playing around with Loque'nahak in Sholazar Basin
Playing around with Loque'nahak in Sholazar Basin
Circle of dead bodies in Ahn'Qiraj 40
Kuroken pantsless in Halls of Lightning
Everyone enjoying a feast in Halls of Lightning
Massive AoE damage in Zul'gurub
C'thun kill in AQ40 at 80
Everyone on their scarab mounts in AQ40
Approaching C'thun in AQ40
AoE damage in MC
AoE damage in MC
Laughing at a 57 druid in Westfall
The best quest in the game
Colorful gryphons in Shadowmoon Valley
Dying in Gnomeregan :(

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