Found this cool pretty spot in Grizzly Hills that I'd never seen before, while getting the music roll
I got both 'Got My Mind On My Money' and 'Got My Mind On My Draenor Money' at exactly the same time
Flying back to Shattrath on the back of a mighty Netherwing dragon after becoming exalted with them
Flying back to Shattrath on the back of a mighty Netherwing dragon after becoming exalted with them
My troll priest has a missing model on his head, but he's not wearing anything in the head slot...
Everyone trying to get all of their Wintergrasp marks out of the way before it gets changed in 3.2
Cult of the Plush Gnome's 40-man naked gnome raid - the 70s protecting us from the native wildlife
Me getting attacked by an angry mob of turkeys after completing the achievement 'Friend or Fowl'.
Doing the Tarren Mill vs. Southshore battleground for the limited-time title. It was a nightmare
Zack and I two-manning normal Auchindoun. We eventually had to get help for the last two bosses
The result of having the Saurok form on Isle of Thunder plus the Party Time buff from Blingtron
A bug that existed for a while that showed the 'You have died' dialog box when you weren't dead
I lagged out and managed to get this far into the Stormwind Keep without losing my flying mount
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here a bunch of people are chasing him on their mounts
One of the mobs before the first boss in Hellfire Citadel spawns a line of bombs when they die
About to attempt Imperator Mar'gok for the first time. We never ended up downing him that week
About to engage Brackenspore (possibly for the first time). This guy ended up being very tough
Killing an elite with 16 million health. It doesn't fight back, but it does spawn lots of adds
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Using my friend's priest to run my level 1 twink through everywhere to get the Explorer title
Killed (N) Iron Reaver WAY faster than our previous best because we beat the air phase timer
Sitting on the throne overlooking the arena in Highmaul (accessed from outside, not inside)
Trying to do the annoying achievement to have Razorscale kill 25 Guardians with her breath
Looking over a quest area in SMV. There was a treasure at the other end of this raised bit
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Pulling Son of the Beast into the next boss's room and killing them both at the same time
People standing around near the Hellfire Citadel summoning stone near raid time (9pm EST)
Having a party while waiting for some crystals to respawn for an achievement in Shattrath
Cult of the Plush Gnome's 40-man naked gnome raid - Menethil Harbor, waiting for the boat
I bless the rains down in Stranglethorn... (Taken as part of my old WoW journal project)
Amiraa and Zack and Sofaa and I fooling around in Dalaran, showing off all of our mounts
We all made alts and tried to 5-man Hogger at level 4...I can't remember how well we did
Killed Warlord Zaela fast enough that she never got to phase 2, and died way down below
This Prot warrior soloed the last boss of Heroic Stormstout Brewery from 53% by himself
In honor of The Force Awakens, Orgrimmar and Stormwind guards are wielding lightsabers
Finally got the achievement for winning Tarren Mill vs. Southshore. It was a nightmare
Some guildies riding their mammoths after getting Heroism + firewater + gigantic feast
Using a goblin glider, Zack and I flew around Talador using Shattrath as a trampoline
Using a goblin glider, Zack and I flew around Talador using Shattrath as a trampoline
Using a goblin glider, Zack and I flew around Talador using Shattrath as a trampoline
If you have the lumber mill, you can find a fallen log to save one of the Barov twins
If you have the lumber mill, you can find a fallen log to save one of the Barov twins
Getting close on Archimonde! We didn't end up killing him until the next day, though
This fire in northeastern Gorgrond teleports you back and forth to the Timeless Isle
Sharing a vintage drink with the family as we get ready to start questing in Draenor

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