Helping my parents kill a rare
Killed Warlord Zaela fast enough that she never got to phase 2, and died way down below
Pulling 207k DPS during the first boss of N HFC
Our first Heroic Zakuun kill! Took 25-30 attempts
"the raccoon" is literally my name
Doing Theramore's Fall
Sending Sonalbelli tons of potions
The five of us on three rockets, about to head to Ironforge
Possibly first Gorefiend kill?
Doing a summoned Garrison boss with Szunai, Blort, and Neinna
Ding 86!
We pushed Horde all the way back to their graveyard in Tarren Mill vs. Southshore
Oh, HELL no!
Doing one of the worst achievements in the game to get the Love Prism toy from 2015 Love is in the Air
Heading to Thunder Bluff to raid for For the Alliance
Ridin' around Westfall with our motorcycles
Killing Thrall
Got Bloody Rare! If only Northrend were as easy...
First Heroic Gorefiend kill!
Questing together with Blort, Szunai, Graedog and Pituco in Western Plaguelands
First in DPS early in the fight
Finally finished the legendary ring quest chain
These Golden Lotus are really rare
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item

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