Some paintings on a rock in Mulgore
Me, Valk, Neinna, and Zack playing with our mounts in Westfall
Posing after our first N Archimonde kill
Cool clothes, dwarf
Killing a summoned Garrison boss
Disguized as Saurok or whatever on the Isle of Thunder
I hit 79,238 DPS during a boss pull in BRF
Eating at some picnic tables in a hidden resort town in Feralas
Doing the Omen event on Fox at level 39, here's even more skeletons
Awaiting loot after Justice's first Malygos 25 kill
Some gold farmers using an exploit to advertise :(
Exploring Netherstorm right before my death
My new Purple Proto-Drake
Lots of popups after killing Imperator Mar'gok for the first time in LFR
Blort is pulling 111,000 DPS in this fight
Circle of dead bodies in Ahn'Qiraj 40
One of the only remaining Molten Front achievements after I got the meta
The result of having the Saurok form on Isle of Thunder plus the Party Time buff from Blingtron
Me and another shaman playing around in Stormwind
Amerynth, Nollas and me waiting for the Darkmoon Faire chest to spawn
Sarutabaruta the Worgen Death Knight
In honor of The Force Awakens, Orgrimmar and Stormwind guards are wielding lightsabers
I like Mulgore
Assak overlooking some undeveloped terrain north of Redridge
My new tanky pet, Dave
A giant freaking turtle in Zul'Gurub
We came very close to defeating him this time
The mount that the Tillers give you at exalted; a goat
Exalted with the Argent Crusade finally
Weird graphical bugs on a private server
The mount I bought with 200 Tol Barad Commendations
Finally got Master of Apexis! (100,000 Apexis Crystals)
Drakerider falling to her demise after being defeated above a wyrm
The clouds during this phase of the raid look really cool
After killing Sylvanas in Undercity, and getting our For the Alliance achievements
You only get a single fishing skillup for doing the Draenor fishing daily
Talking to Gizgar's minions while he's on the green fire quest
Epic Stormwind Harbor raid before the release of Wrath
Farming Clefthoof for the Garrison barn
This guy has a really nice transmog set
I'm covered in baby crocs
Gizgar is the same size as Neinna's Qiraji pet

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