Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Lots of DPS at the very beginning of a boss fight
Everyone on their scarab mounts in AQ40
AoE damage in MC
AoE damage in MC
Running back to Serpentshrine Cavern after a wipe
Everyone inside Serpentshrine Cavern
Wiping on Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Dying in Gnomeregan :(
Neinna joined us for this Archimonde kill since we only had 9 people!
Our first Heroic Zakuun kill! Took 25-30 attempts
Got heroic Zakuun down to 2.2% on this attempt
Sitting around eating in HFC
A very close heroic Gorefiend kill!
Zakuun has 99.99 million HP right now
First Mannoroth Kill! He's pretty easy
First Xhul'horac kill :D
I got Mimiron's Head!
I got Mimiron's Head!
First Tyrant kill! She was pretty tough
Our first Tyrant kill in progress
First Socrethar kill. He was pretty easy
Doing a summoned Garrison boss with Szunai, Blort, and Neinna
I hit 79,238 DPS during a boss pull in BRF
Getting ready to kill the Sha of Anger
Getting ready to kill the Sha of Anger
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Three priests in Blackrock Caverns
Szunai and Gizgar having fun with their archaeology trinkets
Fight Kael'thas in Tempest Keep
Running Deadmines on Moon Guard
Getting ready to pull in Vortex Pinnacle
Getting ready to pull in Vortex Pinnacle
Running some instances with my mom and dad
Getting Glory of the Hero for Eric
Leveling with Blort and Szunai in Hellfire Peninsula
Finishing the first half of Dragon Soul
During the SFK run previously mentioned.
Now we're running Shadowfang Keep.
Tagging along for my sister's TLPD kill. Wouldn't let me have the mount for 5000g :(
Completing the Timely Death achievement with two people left alive
I can't believe I was the only one to survive Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!
Kuroken pantsless in Halls of Lightning
Everyone enjoying a feast in Halls of Lightning
C'thun kill in AQ40 at 80
Group shot of the gang on the Latin server
Killing Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Everyone showing off their 11th anniversary gifts
Pulling 207k DPS during the first boss of N HFC

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