I poop on you, trollses!
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Everyone swarming the Stormwind PvP vendors after finding out about a glitched "free" item
Group shot of everyone's alts on some other server
Cool pic of some shadow orb thing in Hellfire
Graphics bugs in Nagrand
Lots of people ready to head into Serpentshrine Cavern
Fighting trash in Serpentshrine Cavern
Running back to Serpentshrine Cavern after a wipe
Everyone inside Serpentshrine Cavern
Lots of drakes outside of Ulduar
Only 34 Alliance in Dalaran after a server restart
Queue on the only server up
Penguin army acquired while completing the Critter Gitter achievement
Playing with the Dazzling Rod toy
The shaman's DPS was insane in this fight (110,000)
What kind of lame power is heart, anyway?
My troll priest has a missing model on his head, but he's not wearing anything in the head slot...
Grudek and I having fun in Dalaran after Sofaa got on Ventrilo
Amiraa and Grudek and Sofaa and I fooling around in Dalaran
Amiraa and Zack and Sofaa and I fooling around in Dalaran, showing off all of our mounts
I thought the three names all at different heights looked kinda cool
Finally getting Explorer on Foxytwink!
Foxytwink finishing Explore Outland
Getting Explore Northrend on Foxytwink
Fox again
Second screenshot ever, Foxthorn again
My very first screenshot of WoW ever...Foxthorn, my first character, at level 9

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