About to start Justice's second annual naked gnome race
Posing after our first N Archimonde kill
Posing after our first N Archimonde kill
Taking a selfie at Janeiro Point
Taking a selfie with some pirates
About to attempt Imperator Mar'gok for the first time. We never ended up downing him that week
Got a good screenshot of our raiding group while waiting to pull Ko'ragh
A bow I got in a raid
Cool screenshot of Pandafennec while leveling in Northern Barrens
My new crane mount, it's my current favorite ground-specific mount, maybe tied with the Cobalt Riding Talbuk
Pretty cool screenshot of the warlock gateway thing at the Frozen Throne
Playing with our Riding Clouds while getting candy buckets in Kalimdor
The family showing off their best halloween costumes
The mount that the Tillers give you at exalted; a goat
Running Ulduar
Running Ulduar
Having fun on the fourth of July
Our Moon Guard group after running Deadmines
Our Moon Guard group after running Deadmines
Posing in Sunwell Plateau
The five of us taking the boat to Rut'theran Village for a holiday event
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
I have the Dragon Soul!
Paladinfox, my new tauren paladin
Most of my new transmogrified gear, all blue armor from various 20-30 zones. I'm missing the bow still.
A pic of Foxthorn's armor
During the SFK run previously mentioned.
Now we're running Shadowfang Keep.
A few friends and I decided to do this thing where you remove all of your gear and start running lowbie instances, one by one, using only the gear you receive, and see how far you can get.
Justice members standing around in Ironforge
Someone wanted to take a screenshot with me
Grudek, showing off all of his red gear
Loremaster Foxthorn! Finally!
Everyone on their scarab mounts in AQ40
Guild first kill of Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Guild first kill of Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Fox's "new" weapons at level 70, this one's Valanos' Longbow
Fox's "new" weapons at level 70, this one's the Crystal Forged Waraxe
Running Sunken Temple with DSV and Sofaa and Trait
Showing off my armor and weapons at level 54. I hated that stupid claw dagger

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