First kill of Throne of Thunder maybe?
'srry stove caught on fire'
Got a Blood Spirit out of my raid bag thing
Doing Naxx for transmog stuff
This druid is doing 458,395 damage per second
First in DPS :D
Lookin' good during a raid
Ready for raiding!
Top of the DPS charts at the start of the fight :D
First raid of Mists complete! (in LFR)
There are NOT supposed to be this many adds up at once (the tank DCed or something and we just wiped it)
The tank disconnected or something and we had to wipe this attempt
Starting my first raid run in Mists; Mogu'shan Vaults in LFR
Pretty cool screenshot of the warlock gateway thing at the Frozen Throne
Fighting the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel
First time I've ever killed the Lich King
People waiting for Galleon to spawn - he never did :(
People waiting for Galleon to spawn - he never did :(
My first Sha of Anger kill. Too bad he only drops PvP crap
Getting ready to kill the Sha of Anger
Getting ready to kill the Sha of Anger
First Deathwing kill on Assak
Killing Garrosh
Killing Sylvanas
Getting ready to kill Sylvanas
Managed to get way up here in Blackwing Lair
Running Black Temple
Running Black Temple
Running Ulduar
Running Ulduar
Running Battle for Mount Hyjal
Fight Kael'thas in Tempest Keep
Too bad it's not a REAL legendary
The first time I've seen a real legendary drop (Neinna got it)
Took me four or five years, but I finally beat Sunwell Plateau
Posing in Sunwell Plateau
125% haste
I have the Dragon Soul!
Lots of DPS at the very beginning of a boss fight
A guy opening what's probably a bunch of fishing crates in the middle of a raid
Killed a Dragon Soul boss, or maybe because I sold a bunch of flasks?
Oh hey, look what dropped!
We killed Deathwing!
Killing Deathwing...
Killing Deathwing...
Deathwing killed us all
Fighting Warmaster Blackhorn in Dragon Soul (After coming back the next day)
Overlooking the airship in Dragon Soul
Mass Resurrection is convenient
The clouds during this phase of the raid look really cool

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