Got Bloody Rare! If only Northrend were as easy...
Getting exalted with Shatari Skyguard
I got the time-lost figurine on my like sixth kill.
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Questing in Terokkar at 80 for Loremaster
Questing in Terokkar at 80 for Loremaster
My UI at level 70. Addons include: Bagnon, XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, JumpCounter, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
My UI at level 70. Addons include: Cartographer, XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
My UI at level 70. Addons include: Cartographer, XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, JumpCounter, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
My UI at level 70. Addons include: XPerl, SexyMap, Elkano's BuffBars, Bartender, Prat, Titan Panel, QuestHelper
Flying back to Shattrath on the back of a mighty Netherwing dragon after becoming exalted with them
Having fun with Trait

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