"the raccoon" is literally my name
Hitting level 80 with Wayno
Leveling with Wayno and Wendygoh
Found someone else with the same Mimiron's Head mount as me
Tedious somehow got himself stuck off Mannoroth's platform
Won an arena match with Zack and Eric
Bernal finished off the second-last boss of UBRS alone
Killed Warlord Zaela fast enough that she never got to phase 2, and died way down below
7/9 online guildies are warriors
Don't remember why I took this, maybe just showing what I had in my inventory?
Pulling Son of the Beast into the next boss's room and killing them both at the same time
Neinna joined us for this Archimonde kill since we only had 9 people!
Our first Heroic Zakuun kill! Took 25-30 attempts
Got heroic Zakuun down to 2.2% on this attempt
Doing almost 207k DPS in a heroic UBRS
I managed to land on the very tip of this pillar after disengaging
Saving Leeroy Jenkins in UBRS
Saving Leeroy Jenkins in UBRS
Sitting around eating in HFC
Everyone showing off their 11th anniversary gifts
A very close heroic Gorefiend kill!
First Heroic Gorefiend kill!
First Heroic Iron Reaver kill!
Posing after our first N Archimonde kill
Posing after our first N Archimonde kill
First Archimonde kill! (Normal)
Getting close on Archimonde! We didn't end up killing him until the next day, though
"Grand Champinos"
Pulling 207k DPS during the first boss of N HFC
Killed (N) Iron Reaver WAY faster than our previous best because we beat the air phase timer
Got Silver Tank Proving Grounds on my hunter :D
Transferring a bunch of gold over from Horde to Alliance with the Big Bag of Booty you could buy during Talk Like a Pirate Day
Close Mannoroth kill!
Zakuun has 99.99 million HP right now
PAYDAY 2 reference in WoW :D
First Mannoroth Kill! He's pretty easy
Got Sonalbelli killed while he was AFK
This fire in northeastern Gorgrond teleports you back and forth to the Timeless Isle
First Xhul'horac kill :D
So close...
Trying to get an achievement on Razorscale. It takes so long
I got Mimiron's Head!
I got Mimiron's Head!
This was an annoying achievement to get
Got Bloody Rare! If only Northrend were as easy...
Someone used that knife toy on Archimonde
First Zakuun kill. He was so easy, we killed him during the first few attempts where we don't really know the mechanics and everyone dies.
Fishing up Felmouth Frenzy before a raid with Gizgar and Sonalbelli

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