Titanbar says I'm making 7.1 million gold an hour
Titanbar says I'm making 2.1 million gold an hour
There's a Goldclover up in the tree in Freya's room in Ulduar
Planetarium before Algalon's room in Ulduar
Very nice shot of the antechamber of Ulduar
Bug in the slime texture just after the Patchwerk encounter in Naxx
14000+ gold on Foxthorn
Stalagg breaking free and going crazy before the Thaddius encounter in Naxxramas
Stalagg breaking free and going crazy before the Thaddius encounter in Naxxramas
Razorscale kill, Ulduar, 25-man
Toy train set in Ulduar
Everyone fishing in the Dalaran fountain (again)
Looooooots of finished quests in Zangarmarsh on my shaman
Flame Leviathan kill in Ulduar 10
Playing around by a little orby thing outside Ulduar
Fished up lurker, all by myself!
Silly talbuk in Stormwind
Found and killed Putridus the Ancient in Icecrown
Sunrise over Westfall, Eastern Kingdoms
Sitting atop the little cart in the Trade District of Stormwind City
Everyone fishing in the Dalaran fountain
Having fun in Naxx
Lightwolff the Bunny
Lots of AoE damage in Naxx
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
These rams are crazy
Atop a boar's head in the Honor Hold inn
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
Someone wanted to take a screenshot with me
Couple of us showing off our easter robes
Everyone trying to get a few kisses from Hordie females
Inventory full of easter eggs
About to head into Outland on my shaman, Shamanfox
I can't believe I was the only one to survive Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!
My new pet Strand Crawler
I survived Heigan's dance!
Everyone running towards Thunder Bluff for a raid
Dynamic shadow of the Orgrim's Hammer above Icecrown
Grudek, showing off all of his red gear
These Dalaran wizards thought of everything
Everyone fishing at the Dalaran fountain
Frogs love me
Having fun near a return portal in Naxx
Riding a spectral tiger toy in Naxx
My bank is full :(
Northrend crashing
Northrend crashing
Dalaran is full
Queue on the only server up

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