Doing Naxx for transmog stuff
Someone's pet standing on the side of a summoning stone
I guess this mount is rare? I don't remember...
This druid is doing 458,395 damage per second
First in DPS :D
Lookin' good during a raid
Ready for raiding!
Got the achievement for completing every Mists heroic dungeon
About to kill a rare in Kun-Lai Summit
This guy really butchered the word 'assassin'.
Top of the DPS charts at the start of the fight :D
Max and I playing around with paper zeppelins
Cool picture of Assak against the sky
Kuroken and Assak with matching mounts
First raid of Mists complete! (in LFR)
There are NOT supposed to be this many adds up at once (the tank DCed or something and we just wiped it)
The tank disconnected or something and we had to wipe this attempt
Starting my first raid run in Mists; Mogu'shan Vaults in LFR
Having fun trying to get to cool places in the Shrine of Seven Stars
I hit level 90 on Assak!
Me, Jane, and Max leveling our 89s in Townlong Steppes
Gizgar is the same size as Neinna's Qiraji pet
That's a lot of stamina on those boots
The shaman's DPS was insane in this fight (110,000)
I just found out you can cast Soothing Mist while sitting or sleeping
Fighting an elite in Hillsbrad Foothills on our Horde alts
Max and I are beating each other up with shovels
Picking up slaves in the Hillsbrad mines
I'm a questgiver!
Turns out you can use the Smite trinket while mounted up, even with passengers
Driving around Orgrimmar in style
Kaelsig got killed by a bunch of chickens - it's like we're in Kakariko Village
The tabard of some random level 25 guild we joined for the experience
Sitting around in Crossroads on our Horde alts
"You will lose one rankd of guild reputation"
The final Golden Lotus quests - this one took quite a few deaths to do
The final Golden Lotus quests - this one took quite a few deaths to do
Zack's, Max's, and my Horde alts in Northern Barrens
Cool screenshot of Pandafennec while leveling in Northern Barrens
We're all dragging our dead guys around
Zack, Max and I all started leveling Horde alts
My new crane mount, it's my current favorite ground-specific mount, maybe tied with the Cobalt Riding Talbuk
After a couple of weeks of doing Golden Lotus dailies with my parents, I'm exalted
I went out and farmed Onyx Eggs and got exalted with the Cloud Serpents
After a few hours and a few scenarios, my parents and I got the Scenaterdist title
The first scenario I've ever done (not counting Fall of Theramore at 85)
Pretty cool screenshot of the warlock gateway thing at the Frozen Throne
Fighting the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel
Blort is pulling 111,000 DPS in this fight
Got an invitation to the Brawler's Guild today

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