Logging on to our Pandaren
Playing around with Gizgar in Hyjal
Doing Theramore's Fall
Doing Theramore's Fall
Kaelsig and I comparing transmog sets
Having fun with our healers in Stormwind
You can even ride druids while they lay on the ground
Riding Verothas around Stormwind
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
Healing low levels from a bug that allowed death knights to apply diseases to friendly targets
You can ride things in tree form now
You can ride things in tree form now
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
The new Scarlet Monastery Halls
The new Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
Seeing how far Gizgar can glide (turns out, not far)
Seeing how far Gizgar can glide (turns out, not far)
Killing Garrosh
Taking a shortcut to Orgrimmar
Killing Sylvanas
Getting ready to kill Sylvanas
Sharing a drink with Brocaine
Starting new death knights that we'll probably never play again
I love being the only one to survive a boss fight
Three priests in Blackrock Caverns
Three priests in Blackrock Caverns
Running Black Temple
Running Black Temple
Running Ulduar
Running Ulduar
Szunai and Gizgar having fun with their archaeology trinkets
Fight Kael'thas in Tempest Keep
Too bad it's not a REAL legendary
Having fun on the fourth of July
Gizgar and Neinna on their turtles
Really big dog on a really little dragon
Getting fires during Midsummer
It put us in Slave Pens for Ahune, but it didn't actually spawn him...
Running Deadmines on Moon Guard
Our Moon Guard group after running Deadmines
Our Moon Guard group after running Deadmines
This was by far the hardest achievement for the Red Proto-Drake
The five of us taking the boat to Rut'theran Village for a holiday event
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Sitting on the bench waiting for a ride
Flying up to Ironforge to do some event stuff
The five of us on three rockets, about to head to Ironforge
Zack got Gizgar switched over to Alliance
New characters we all started on a new (RP) server, Moon Guard

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