Lots of popups after killing Imperator Mar'gok for the first time in LFR
We got over 1500 points in this Botani invasion
Got a good screenshot of our raiding group while waiting to pull Ko'ragh
Did the Croman achievement with Justice this morning
Pulled 54k DPS while killing a rare in The Pit today with Justice
About to go do The Pit with Justice this morning
Recount shows me doing 1.3 million DPS after using an item to kill a bunch of Pit enemies during the daily
Pulling 39k DPS during the first burn phase of Kargath
Doing the Shattrath Apexis daily with our raid group after the raid tonight
We finally killed Brackenspore after about 12 wipes! He's pretty complicated. I also got an achievement (get 15 stacks of Burning Infusion and defeat Brackenspore) and pulled 30k DPS with the flamethrower :D
Oh, we're totally killing him this time
One of many, many wipes on Brackenspore
The Butcher is extra festive this week
The guy's face on the left
About to engage Brackenspore (possibly for the first time). This guy ended up being very tough
We came very close to defeating him this time
One of many wipes while learning the Butcher fight (we one- or two-shot him regularly a few weeks later)
First in DPS right now :D
Looking around the coliseum in Highmaul
About to start Highmaul proper
Just inside the entrance of Highmaul with Justice
About to go into my first normal raid since Wrath!
Doing my first Warlords dungeon with guildies
Justice hitting level 4
Finally getting Twilight Assist...an expansion too late
After a wipe in Ulduar :(
Duri getting ready for raiding
People waiting outside of Ulduar (instances are down)
Going for Dwarfageddon (heroic)
Four trees. Can you spot them all?
8790 Attack Power during a recent Archavon fight
A perfect straight 6000 Attack Power during an Archavon fight
A bunch of ghostly gryphons flying back to Ulduar after a wipe
Auriaya is done with us
Auriaya is done with us
Crowding in one spot for the Auriaya fight
Justice members standing around in Ironforge
Wiping on Iron Council
Skeletons left over from previous wipes on Auriaya
Wiping on Kologarn at 630,000 health
Flame Leviathan chasing after us after bugging out
Everyone getting the Heroic: Siege of Ulduar achievement
Fighting Razorscale in Ulduar 25
Fighting Flame Leviathan in Ulduar
What WoW looks like stretched across two monitors
Hitting the 500 character limit in the guild
Bug in the slime texture just after the Patchwerk encounter in Naxx
Stalagg breaking free and going crazy before the Thaddius encounter in Naxxramas
Stalagg breaking free and going crazy before the Thaddius encounter in Naxxramas
Razorscale kill, Ulduar, 25-man

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