Toy train set in Ulduar
Flame Leviathan kill in Ulduar 10
Having fun in Naxx
Lightwolff the Bunny
Lots of AoE damage in Naxx
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
Naxxramas is being overrun by bunnies
I survived Heigan's dance!
Having fun near a return portal in Naxx
Riding a spectral tiger toy in Naxx
103% crit chance!
102% crit chance!
Crowding around the Naxxramas stone
Me wearing my famous hat after a Kel'thuzad kill
Awaiting loot after Justice's first Malygos 25 kill
Phase 3 of the Malygos 25 fight
Phase 3 of the Malygos 25 fight
Watching the Malygos fight from my dead body
Levitating over a return portal in Naxx
BT full clear at 80 for the achievement
C'thun kill in AQ40 at 80
Everyone on their scarab mounts in AQ40
Approaching C'thun in AQ40
Guild first Archavon kill
6120AP during Archavon fight
Looking up at Archavon
Looking up at Archavon
Lots of people ready to head into Serpentshrine Cavern
Fighting trash in Serpentshrine Cavern
Running back to Serpentshrine Cavern after a wipe
Everyone inside Serpentshrine Cavern
Guild first kill of Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Guild first kill of Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Wiping on Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern
Killing Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern

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