Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
Deathwing and Alexstrasza duking it out
My awesome rag-tag group of soldiers
That's an awesome gun
Defeating the brain inside the Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands
Hi Deathwing
Quest objectives: Defeat Deathwing
Some Alliance fleet off the east coast of Arathi Highlands (turns out it's for a Horde Twilight Highlands quest)
The Dwarven wedding in Twilight Highlands
The Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands
The Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands
These quest names
This fight in the Crucible of Carnage is fun
Another part of the Crucible of Carnage
This guy's name is Hurp'derp
Starting the Crucible of Carnage in Twilight Highlands
Taking the flight to Twilight Highlands
Best quest in the whole game
Best quest in the whole game
We gotta hack the Wibson
You have to distract gnomes. Here's one of the distractions
I'm covered in baby crocs
Completing the intro quest in Uldum rewards you with either 200 gold or 1000 reputation with the native faction. I took the gold
Everybody loves Budd
Back in the submarine
GET IT OFF ME (Quest in Vashj'ir)
Inside said submarine in Vashj'ir
Inside said submarine in Vashj'ir
A submarine in Vashj'ir
Getting launched hundreds of feet into the air during a quest
Doing some quest in Hellfire Peninsula on Warriorfox
Apparently this is what happens when someone defeats Algalon the Observer.
Apparently this is what happens when someone defeats Algalon the Observer.
Apparently this is what happens when someone defeats Algalon the Observer.
Apparently this is what happens when someone defeats Algalon the Observer.
Apparently this is what happens when someone defeats Algalon the Observer.
It's a long way down!
Drakerider falling to her demise after being defeated above a wyrm
Fighting mobs atop wyrms in Storm Peaks, this time on the shaman
Fighting mobs atop wyrms in Storm Peaks, this time on the shaman
Fighting mobs atop wyrms in Storm Peaks, this time on the shaman
What an inconspicuous tree!
Looooooots of finished quests in Zangarmarsh on my shaman
Frogs love me
Ellross fighting people on the backs of drakes in Storm Peaks
Ellross fighting people on the backs of drakes in Storm Peaks
Me disguised as a tree in Azuremyst, while working on Loremaster of Kalimdor
Asking a GM which robot chicken escort I've completed so far
Bronzebeard reunion during a Storm peaks quest chain

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