Working undercover with the Argent Crusade in Icecrown
Fighting Illidan in Icecrown during a quest chain involving Arthas' past
Me wearing a bad Horde disguise
Everyone camping a quest mob on the day of Wrath's release
Turning in the final quest after becoming exalted with Netherwing
Flying back to Shattrath on the back of a mighty Netherwing dragon after becoming exalted with them
Flying back to Shattrath on the back of a mighty Netherwing dragon after becoming exalted with them
Getting exalted with Netherwing finally!
The best quest in the game
Ogres worshipping me after completing the Ogre Heaven quest chain
Dead bodies after the raid of Darrowshire in Eastern Plaguelands
Disguised as a draenei during a quest in Blade's Edge
Walking through Stormwind as someone goes to turn in Onyxia's head
Walking through Stormwind as someone goes to turn in Onyxia's head
Walking through Stormwind as someone goes to turn in Onyxia's head
Walking through Stormwind as someone goes to turn in Onyxia's head
Walking through Stormwind as someone goes to turn in Onyxia's head
Walking through Stormwind as someone goes to turn in Onyxia's head

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